Whether we, the people who love him unconditionally, accept his opinions of us or not, is our prerogative. Some chose not to. But we did; because the only way to be part of his legion of loved ones is to accept and love him back --- sunny weather or bitchy moment. Because he will forever be like that, and in an uncompromising fashion. See, God sent him to earth for that purpose: to be the wake up call of everyone who wishes to have an effective one that doesn't yield to threatening demands nor pathetic, whiny pleas of snooze.
So yeah, I would have to say that, being a person who saw him mature from a nursery kid with dagger eyes and a deleteriously frank tongue to a self-made career gay man with (still) dagger eyes and a deleteriously frank tongue, I definitely agree with you. He is insensitive. And he is obnoxious. And critical. And condescending. But he is loving, caring and very nurturing as well. Too bad for some people, they easily get intimidated or feel belittled by his acerbic way of delivering his honest-to-goodness opinions, they never get to see the motherly side of him.