Saturday, September 29, 2007

mga lalaki sa buhay ni ryan omar

unconventionally, i grew up with the company of straights (both boys and girls). i would have gay friends but we werent really in just one clique. i started smoking and drinking and playing billiards (which now is very strange thing for me to do) with my guys. and the fun they showed me fed my masculinity, in a broader sense of the word. unapologetic, carefree, fast-paced, risky, and experimental. just like my bitches, these guys have been with me since the time i was wearing my socks knee-length tp pair with my nicely pressed khaki shorts and patched polo. for most of my pre-adolescent life, they have have served as my shock-absorber, they can neutralize the intensity of my drama queen tendencies at times of my melancholy. they were like my big kuyas everytime some other pathetic straight guys would manifest their illogical uhmmm.. call it homophobia. they were there to bug me at home whenever they wanted to have breakfast after their "boys night-out". they were there to screen the guys i was dating. they were there to assay guy stuff whenever my bitches freak out and perceive men to be from mars. they were there. they have always been there. and im missing them so much and it hurts to be away from them. i love my guys. and i dunno what else to say.