this is actually a sequel to the blogpost "the samantha jones in me". and oh yes, its the same infamous guy.
after all the funny bedtime stories i had to tell, i had a chance to get to know the guy a little more. he was an accountant. a specie who thrives on counting and organizing digits which is a far cry from what i do. a kapampangan, which i though of as an advantage coz we could revel on food having the same intemsity of liking over it anytime we want. he was 28, a very promising and crucial age for me. promising coz im assuming that at such age, he would have a broader perspective about love, life, and everything in between... crucial because if at such age, he can be still be childish and juvenile as a junior high kid, he's a scum. so it could be a make or break age kind of thing for me. and most of all, he was very persistent. and his persistence seemed almost like a deja vu for me, except that he went over being persistent and exceeded my expectations. and admittingly, i was flattered and overwhelmed. its been a while since a guy did such a big gesture for me. . call it evil but i liked the idea of him wooing me. not because im so into him but because, (yes you can strangle me with this revelation) it fed my ego. but to be fair to me, i told him i cant promise anything and that it would be better if we would just enjoy each others' company. but he just kept on going and i thought to just let him be, though often times i found it hard to make excuses and alibis when he he would ask me out.
until last night....
we were exchanging sms's, yoiu know the usual boring, predicatble, lame stuff.. "how was your day".. "im fine".. things like that. until this message was sent to me "nakita mo na ako diba, tell me how do you find me? sana nag-hi ka man lang". so i returned the message to him quoting the one he mistakenly sent me with "- wrong send". he said sorry after and explained. and i just replied "inaantok nako. ill text you tom". and this morning, he asked me thru text if im angry. i said "no, why should i be. i perfectly understand. but i guess this should re-validate my reason why we should stay as friends only. aside from me having so much to think about work, my friends, and family, i dont need someone who hasnt outgrown his pre-adolescent days yet".
he was telling me i can be his everything and and yet still can entertain someone else..
honey, this gay polygamy reminds me of my college queendom days. and im way ahead of it coz i am a already pro and

theres no way im turning back.
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